//Window control software
int motorPin = 1; // motor connected to digial pin 1
int analogPin = 3; // current sensor connected to pin 3
int val = 0; // variable to store switch position
int gen = 128; // pwm to generate overvoltage
int genPin = 0; //pwm pin for generating overvoltage
int swch = 2; //input from switches on pin 2
long timeThen;
long timeNow;
long timeSince;
long maxon = 2000; // time on before cut out
int current; // motor current value
int maxcurrent = 200; //NB analog value goes DOWN as actual current goes UP! Range probably 180 to 200
void setup()
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); // sets the pin as output
pinMode(genPin, OUTPUT); //sets pin as output
pinMode(swch, INPUT);
analogWrite(genPin, gen); // overvoltage being generated
analogWrite(motorPin, 0); // window motor off
void loop()
val = digitalRead(swch); //wait for switch on
}while (val == LOW);
delay(100); //wait for relays to close(?)
timeThen = millis();
for(int x = 70; x < 220; x++){ //slow start to motor
analogWrite(motorPin, x );
do //wait for switch off or overload or time out
val = digitalRead(swch);
timeNow = millis();
timeSince = timeNow -
current = analogRead(analogPin);
}while (val == HIGH && timeSince < maxon && current > maxcurrent );
for(int x = 220; x > 70; x-
analogWrite(motorPin, x );
analogWrite(motorPin, 0 ); //turn off motor
val = digitalRead(swch); //wait for switch off
}while (val == HIGH);
Input from either window switch is detected by pin 2. Analog pin 3 detects the motor current. Pin 1 outputs pwm to the motor mosfet via the driver chip. Pin 0 outputs pwm to generate the 18 volts needed to drive the mosfet.
The software waits for a switch press. It briefly (about half a second) starts up the motor (slowly) without monitoring the current. It then waits for the switch to be released or an over-
These values worked for me. (There is a question of whether the Trinket is running at 8 or 16 Mhz. This has a bearing on timers, I think, and I can’t quite remember how I set up the Trinket in this particular case! But see Adafruit site.)
The most important constant is maxcurrent. This has to be enough to get the window up without stalling. Note the way the circuit is connected, the value measured from the current sensor goes down as current increases!
The next page gives some details of the construction of the circuits.
Program for Adafruit Trinket