//Security Lamp control by light level for Trinket
//Program start
//Lamp and status LED off until light level falls.
//Lamp on for fixed period
//Lamp continues on for random period together with LED
//Lamp off for fixed period, LED still on
//LED flashes while light level rises above threshold
//Back to start
//analog pin designations
int readSensorpin = 1; //Anolog pin is “1”
//digital pin designations
int ledPin = 1;
int sensorPin = 2; //But to set it as input uses “2”
int lampPin = 0;
int lightValue;
long lvTotal;
long timeThen;
long timeNow;
long timeSince;
int downTime = 300; //time to wait before unit starts again in minutes
long testing = 5000; //10 secs in milli secs
int hour = 1800000; //1 hour in milli secs
int dayLight = 35; //light needs to rise above this to reset device
int lightThreshold = 8;
//was 13 in kitchen. 10 too high in hall?
int timeOn = 300; // in minutes
void setup()
pinMode(sensorPin , INPUT);
pinMode(lampPin , OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin , OUTPUT);
analogWrite(lampPin , 0); //lamp is off
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin , LOW); //led is off
//wait for light level to fall
lvTotal = 0;
lightValue = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++){
lightValue = analogRead(readSensorpin);
lvTotal = lvTotal + lightValue;
delay(500); //5 for testing, normally 600
lvTotal = lvTotal / 100; //average light value
}while (lvTotal > 12 );
//turn on lamp
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++){
analogWrite(lampPin, x);
//leave light on for a long time
timeThen = millis();
timeNow = millis();
timeSince = timeNow -
}while (timeSince < 200 * 60000); // 60000 seems to be 2 minutes?
// delay random time up to 1 hour for testing = 10 sec
digitalWrite(ledPin , HIGH); //led on
long rndTime = random(0, 1800000);
//digitalWrite(ledPin , LOW); //led off
// turn off light
for(int x = 255; x > -
analogWrite(lampPin, x);
//wait for several hours
//led still on
timeThen = millis();
timeNow = millis();
timeSince = timeNow -
}while (timeSince < 200 * 60000); //downtime in minutes
//wait for light level to rise
lvTotal = 0;
lightValue = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++){
lightValue = analogRead(readSensorpin);
lvTotal = lvTotal + lightValue;
digitalWrite(ledPin , HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin , LOW);
lvTotal = lvTotal / 100; // average light value
}while (lvTotal < 35 );
// originally < 30
Software for the Adafruit Trinket powered security light