Under Construction
Cooling fan software
// fan_stat3_car
// 9.7.18
// Prog for Trinket and tmp102 as stat for car bottom hose fan sensor
// Temp range low as bottom hose: 40 -
// Ambition is to include rate of change function to smooth operation (not yet)
// Hysteresis and delay in the loop are factors to be considered
// Probably not enough time in the Universe for testing to determine optimum values!
#include <TinyWireM.h>
#define TMP102_I2C_ADDRESS1 0x48 // I2C address TMP102 A0 to GND (0x48 = 72 = 1001000 for GND, 73 for vcc)
#define micPin 1 // connected to Trinket LED
#define micPin2 3 // output to mic4022
int potPin = 2; // aka pin4 (for digital)!
int potVal;
int waterTemp;
int setTemp;
int hysteresis = 1; // hysteresis initiall tested at 5 -
void setup() {
pinMode(micPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(micPin2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(micPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(micPin2, LOW);
// function to read temperature
int getTemp102(byte tmp102Add){
byte firstbyte, secondbyte; //these are the bytes we read from the TMP102 temperature registers
int val; /* an int is capable of storing two bytes, this is where we "chuck" the two bytes together. */
float convertedtemp; /* We then need to multiply our two bytes by a scaling factor, mentioned in the datasheet. */
//float correctedtemp;
// The sensor overreads? I don't think it does!
/* Reset the register pointer (by default it is ready to read temperatures)
You can alter it to a writeable register and alter some of the configuration -
the sensor is capable of alerting you if the temperature is above or below a specified threshold. */
TinyWireM.beginTransmission(tmp102Add); // start talking to sensor
TinyWireM.requestFrom(tmp102Add, 2);
firstbyte = (TinyWireM.receive());
/*read the TMP102 datasheet -
each of the temperature registers on the TMP102*/
secondbyte = (TinyWireM.receive());
/*The first byte contains the most significant bits, and
the second the less significant */
val = firstbyte;
if ((firstbyte & 0x80) > 0) {
val |= 0x0F00;
val <<= 4;
/* MSB */
val |= (secondbyte >> 4);
// LSB is ORed into the second 4 bits of our byte.
convertedtemp = val*0.625; // temp x 10
int temp = (int)convertedtemp;
return temp;
void loop() {
potVal = analogRead(potPin);
setTemp = map(potVal, 0, 1023, 40, 80);
setTemp = setTemp * 10;
waterTemp = getTemp102(TMP102_I2C_ADDRESS1);
if(waterTemp >= (setTemp + hysteresis)){
digitalWrite(micPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(micPin2, HIGH);
if(waterTemp <= (setTemp -
digitalWrite(micPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(micPin2, LOW);
This is a pretty straightforward program for an electronic thermostat. Future versions could involve more code to prevent the temperature undershooting then overshooting too much. Initial testing suggests this will not be necessary.